A good question this.. I still dont deem it a waste of effort mulling why I am where I am now. It all began in my innate mind, trying to follow a rhythm that said, you are bred to be a doc. Three generations of healthcare, and back then the world still didn't seem to have enough of that. Spending months trying to make it for Medical School, and the loss of time involved did make me feel like I was dragging a five hundred pound iron ball up hill. Anyway once I was on top of the hill, the freak ball started rolling, and dragged me down with it. And I could not stop. Thus in a series of hasty decisions, I agreed to myself that I did love dentistry, and found out where I would be doing it. The rest was of course, history.. Five and a half years of something that worked out initally like this -
Jacob Jackson is visiting a primary school and he visits one of the classes. They're in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asks the "Rev" Jackson if he would like to lead the discussion on the word "tragedy." So the illustrious leader asks the class for an example of a "tragedy". One little boy stands up and offers: "If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playing in the field and a runaway tractor comes along and knocks him dead, that would be a tragedy." "No," says the Great Jesse Jackson, "That would be an accident." A little girl raises her hand: "If a school bus carrying 50 children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy." "I'm afraid not," explains the exalted spiritual leader. "That's what we would call a great loss." The room goes silent. No other children volunteer. Rev. Jackson searches the room. "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?" Finally at the back of the room a small boy raises his hand. In a quiet voice he says: "If a jet carrying the Rev. and Mrs. Jackson were struck by a missile and blown to smithereens, that would be a tragedy." "Fantastic!" exclains Jackson, "That's right. And can you tell me why that would be a tragedy?" "Well," says the boy, "because it certainly wouldn't be a great loss and it probably wouldn't be an accident either."
This was life, not an accident and not a great loss until I started making up fast and advancing. But the options kept closing as fast. Today I stand a dental surgeon, learning so much, and only seeming to try to keep up with the pace that this science grows with each day. To this science and it's practice and advancement, I have dedicated the next step of my life. To it be the peace and the freedom bestowed in honor of the few who took this life-changing lane.. and to their unseen destiny!
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